Spiritual Care
The Archbold Spiritual Care (or chaplaincy) program offers resources and
services to patients and their families to help them better cope with
a hospital stay.
Services Offered
- Evidence-based spiritual assessment and spiritual care plans focused on
desired outcomes
- Provide positive presence, active listening, education, support and religious
rituals such as prayer or communion upon patient request
- Frequent rounds to all areas of the hospital in collaboration with clinical
staff to capture the developing emotions and spiritual needs of patients
and families
- Provide ethical mediation in response to moral distress and ethical dilemmas
at the bedside
- Provide quality grief and bereavement care
When You Might Call for a Chaplain
When you are asking the difficult questions, like why me?
Experiencing strong emotions: mad, sad, afraid, glad
Change in condition
Alone or lonely
Requesting prayer for congregational or community support
Extended family concerns
Please reach out to our chaplain at (229)228-8389

Jason Bennett, MDiv -- Director of Spiritual Care and Chaplain